Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nature my teacher

Sounds of Waves
kiss the beach
Murmur of exhalation
as our Beloved breathes

Particles gather together
Welled up by love
To make a wave
On a beach far away

Nothing is ever separate
Not seemingly so isolate
In love we eternally fornicate
A copulate to procreate

Breast milk before a babe
Finances before deed
To do before bloom
Is to plant a little seed

Nature my teacher
revealing my essence
allows me to see
Im surrounded by blessings

Monday, April 15, 2013

Abiding In Love With Myself

Had to share. A wonderful Mantra for these times. Thank you Dr. Golden!

"From this moment forward with all the power of my being, I choose to remember the truth about myself. I refuse to indulge in the lies of criticism, inadequacy, guilt, shame, and judgment that others have generated and that I HAVE MADE UP IN MY OWN MIND. I refuse to indulge in that which is not eternally true about me. Today I make the decision to abide in the love that lives in my heart so that it is possible for me to experience true love for myself and all humanity."

Dr. Golden