Thursday, August 20, 2020

Presence is the Present

It seems so simple. Too simple maybe for an ego or mind to wrap itself around. When we talk about being freedom, joy or bliss too many attach that feeling to some form of external validation. It was never about living a 'dream life.' Nor getting money, cars, status symbols, or to be an idol for others. It is not even about finding the 'perfect' partner or being a part of a successful community. No these are not the presents life puts on offer for us to get, to make happen or achieve with effort, although one can relinquish their presence, their authenticity, for all those things with ease. You see, they are all a part of a dream and every dream you end up waking up from. What is it that you wake up to? Enlightenment, presence, the only gift needed.

Enlightenment is not hooked up to the dream or attainment. The most devastating blow to my ego. Watching others get stuff while mine was learning it’s lessons made me want to jump back in over and over. I chose instead to trust source, to stay on the side lines, not play their game, not engage their way, stayed vigilant, observant, sometimes patient, and allowed life to continue unfolding, all the way open, no matter how painful.

Egos attain all the dreamy stuff, not souls. A soul, pure presence, when embodied and present, is the only present ever really given to us, the only one we need. Capitalism forces you to sell it out in favor of meeting beauty standards and living up to unreasonable expectations. Money becoming not a tool but a means for security, class and status.

Connecting to another embodied soul, to nature, to a child, to a lover, to an animal are the greatest gifts I have been given. What this life thing is all about. Not the Benz or the houses or the trips, but those moments around a campfire, howling at the moon with beautiful women, creatures of the earth, who reverberate the cosmos with their wombs, and knowing I belong. Not to them, or the moment, but to myself, to the woman who brought Herself to that moment, to find those souls, and to make magical memories that will last forever. 

A sense of belonging it seems is the real magic. That moment you feel at home in your body, at home in yourself. That moment you realize what you feel, can never be taken away from you because it is what you are. Knowing you belong to a partner, to your family, a mother’s unconditional love for her child, those dynamics are beautiful to experience from that sense. To share love, our presence with one another, is the gold.

Focusing on things, goals, money, or dream relationships that don’t ever get messy and only look perfect on the outside, lack depth, and leave us with unmet needs always. It is an empty reality, phony, and then you have to continue faking happiness once it passes to uphold what others think about you and your lifestyle.

That unconditional knowing that you are supported and cared for is wonderful and can be fleeting because life is change, death, and includes endings. So new things can begin. Not all things are forever nor should be. But what remains, what is constant, what will go forward with you is you. We always have ourselves. Wholeness. Soul. Oneness that is not divided or seeking other or outer.

This sense of belonging was highjacked by capitalism, religion and new age profits called master coaches. They use trigger words like community, family, tribe, sisterhood, belonging, home to create a need in people to respond to their programs of how to find that which is supposedly missing. However, I learned quickly that Goddess walks out the room when I start talking money. When things or topics meant to create insecurities get in the way of authentic connecting, the flow stops. And through feeling my way through the trials and tribulations She put forth for me to endure, I kept coming back to myself, to presence. What is always here even when no one or nothing else is. What flows when I am not thinking, doing, acquiring or 'taking up space.' The nothingness that breathes. The void of existence. The death of a whole concocted dream based on a narrative in between my ears influenced by corporate interests and ‘necessities’ to survive a nightmare, created by a few, to benefit a few, to control the rest of us.

As the world and its old ways, systems and structures continue to crumble around us, now is the time to be present, to be the present, the presence this world so needs. To just be, breathe and believe a new dawn is upon us.

This time in between is uncomfortable but only for the ego, the anxiety, the energy that needs to know, to be in control, to tell the narrative that soothes and keeps the known nightmare rolling. Underneath that is silence, rhythm, a beating heart, a gaze that could dissolve all the worlds with its unlimited potential to open and contract with a blink of the eye. Developing this power, relating from gnosis of not only self but of others, with others, is the way we move forward. 

Making plans for cars when spaceships are already flying around the atmosphere is antiquated thinking and problem solving. Developing new models of old structures, focusing on what communities developed 50 years ago isn't for us because those things will soon cease to exist. They were developed without presence and attention to care for people and the earth and they require non-renewable resources. New technologies that have been suppressed from society exist, like those that built the pyramids, zero-point energy, formulas based on the golden number and will be used in accordance with a permaculture mindset to build what serves humankind now. 

If you are present with the moments we have been given, this gift of time, of space, of letting go of everything tied to an egoic structured way of living, you are doing good work on planet Earth. Be proud. Sitting around doing nothing and worrying is helping no one. Still running around working, saving people and trying to 'get?' That is your ego. Are you working in the name of being essential? You are acting like a slave. You do not have to hold it up for anybody. You can stop now. That was what we did under torment from industrial interests and corporate enacted slave systems. That is not who we are. 

We do not have to participate in any game. There will always be a loser if you are playing a game. No human deserves to lose. The game was played in such a way to intentionally be dualistic, them against us, right and wrong, black and white, republican and democrat, productive and lazy, the haves and have nots, to benefit those who collect checks from these tales. We do not need anymore rich folks or celebrities to drive ideas and products that feed this divide. Kids do not need to be taught on-line by computers or by themselves with a privately hired teacher by their rich parents. This will no doubt increase this divide. It is time to fall back and let that shit die.

Playing, enjoying life and centering Love in our daily lives is what we are bringing to life. Being present with our experiences, acting on truth and not being swayed by what our neighbors are doing, the media hype or how much money you will make from each activity. Not worrying about what is wrong with the world or what went wrong in the past but envisioning and feeling the future. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What are we leaving in its place?

Clinging to outdated programming, telling stories of woe and victimization, fixing what can't be fixed, working to save someone else instead of looking at yourself, narcissistic vampiric relating and exploiting human energy isn't going to work for you anymore anyways, so let's not continue down that path.

Recognizing the power within to create with source a new world is what is happening. A great awakening. Remembering we are not slaves, not drones for a new world order, and take a stand instead for a meaningful life, a life well lived, is indeed what we are about.

Open your present, look what lies within, feel it, breathe into it, and then breathe in harmony with others and not in defense of them. Presence is magnetic and hopeful Love. It is the present we all deserve to receive. It feels so much better. Yummy. Delicious. Be and you will see you are more than enough. We are all so worthy of this new world and the experience of true relating, connecting, and sharing. Blessed be!