Monday, December 3, 2012

Shakti Women

Shakti is power as a feminine force. Shakti women are human females who are feeling the call of the Dark Goddess. A deep inner will to live arousing from within the body of the planet. A demanding energy that will destroy the old paradigm and structures in order to make way for the new. This powerful, electrifying energy is pushing through us for inner healing and the realignment with our natural selves. She is sacred, she is alive and so are you!

Why do women feel this urge to bloom more than men? It is our biological instinct that links us to the Earth and the cycles of the moon. Our menstrual cycle is natures way of revealing this connection. We are the portals for new life. We are the nurtures, care-takers and vessels for healing. We are intuitive, emotional beings that carry in us hormones that allow us to feel connected to all aspects of life whether consciously or not.

Shakti women are electric and magnetic. As archetypes, they are depicted by the Femme Fatal. Seductresses who can destroy ego and create change in the world and for her people. We must channel this energy to purge the world of anything that is not in alignment with Universal love and peace. We must release habitual conditioning, negative images, patriarchal lies, and pollutants from our lives and imagine living in a harmonious way with others, more deeply connected to our instincts.

There seems to be a deep unconscious pull to remember our instincts. To experience the ecstasy of this ancient, sacred encounter with the forces of the universe coming through our bodies. PMS only resulting from a misunderstanding of this energy and its movements. The suffocation of our voices, the disempowerment of our emotions and the disconnection to our bodies has led to this “nice girl syndrome.". If we had full access to this power we may not go on being nice girls and cause a much needed revolution.

It is time that we respond to the global crisis facing life at this time. Our willingness to face the dark is the key to our own development. May we awaken the Divine Feminine energy within us all and join forces for the benefit of the greatest good.


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